Uptown Floors
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    • Ash
    • See also: Samples May Look Different Than Others
      Hardness: 1320
      Stability: Average
      Colors: Varies considerably in color from blonde to brown
      Color Changes: Medium change to tans

      Origin of Ash- North America.
      Botanical Name(s)- Fraxinus, excelsior
      Trade Name(s)- White ash
      Other Uses In Industry- Sporting equipment, cabinetry, garden and porch furniture

      Similar Colors

      Maple, White Oak

    • Ash room scene

Image Source: Coswick Hardwoods. Signature Ash Pearl Grey

From Our Readers:

Mill Run Ash From Build Direct

Question: We're looking at Beauchene Ash flooring from Build direct but don't know much about the wood. They call it mill run and better. It has a lot of colors like dark tan and brown. Is this more like a cabin grade floor?

Reply: The wording almost sounds like it could be a cabin or tavern grade, but retailers place different descriptions on prefinished hardwood. Unlike unfinished hardwood where grading is followed more from one mill to another.

If you find there are many short pieces involved or no warranty then it would be a cabin grade product.

Staining Ash Floors Very Dark

Question: Is there much difference staining an Ash floor compared to Red Oak? I did a remodel a few years ago and the red oak stain came out beautifully.

Reply: Experience says there is not much difference especially if you're seeking a real dark stain.

Can't Find Ash Quarter Round. Help!

Question: I'm having a bloody time finding unfinished ash shoe molding. You'd think the blokes that sold me the timber would sell the stick moldings too. What can I do?

Reply: Hard to say considering you sound like you're from down under, but anybody with a good shaper machine can mill up any type of moldings you want. Try a cabinet makers shop, these kind of guys have the equipment. All you have to do is supply the lumber or they can get it for you.

15 Different American Hardwood Appearances. Pros & Cons
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